Whether you are a Cloth Diaper lover or prefer disposables; these burp cloths are a must have! When I had my twin boys, I breast and bottle fed them. One boy was a great eater and rarely spit up. The other was a fussy, high maintenance little guy with tummy problems from the start and who spit up constantly. I found these fantastic Burp Cloths on clothdiaper.com and here’s what I love about them:
They are dyed fun colors (blue, pink, teal, orange, violet, lime and red) so the monotonous work of wiping and cleaning up spit seems a bit fun!
Plus with their bright fun colors they are easy to find/locate in a laundry basket or diaper bag.
With each wash they get softer, and all of my children have loved to snuggle with them, as I’ve loaded them in their car seats I would snuggle one next to them.
They are SO absorbent! If you’ve experienced a child with projectile vomiting or throwing up an entire feeding, these are able to absorb it all.
Besides using as a burp they work great to place under the bottom during a changing to keep surfaces (carpet, couch) clean. If you happen to run out of diapers (disposable or cloth!) these are an actual diaper! Fold around baby’s bottom and place pants back on until you can make other arrangements, even without pins they stay put pretty well!
Now that my children have outgrown the spit up phase I have used these for more tasks like cleaning, windows and they are also a great size for my 2 year old daughter to wrap up her babies in; she uses them as little blankets for her dolly’s and stuffed animals.